Have you ever received a “No” that drained you of your hopefulness?
If you’ve lived any amount of time, then I’m sure you know how it feels to experience some form of let down.
More often than not, many of us tend to accept the word “No” as final, and attempt to move on with life as quickly as possible. But what do we do when the received “No”, affects us a bit more harshly? Ruins our day? Creates a spiral of Negative emotions within us?
What many us fail to realize is that, sometimes our inaction is the only thing standing in-between the “Yes” we originally intended to receive. We forget that others are human and make mistakes, are inexperienced, or simply more responsive to a bit more kindness.
It is our job to chose our battles wisely, nevertheless activate perseverance as each situation entails.
Things we could do to change our outcome are:
Communicate more Effectively
Increase our Level of Kindness
Request to Speak to Someone Else
Be Patient
A small amount of individual effort can turn a moment of despair into a Sunshiny Day!