“Everyone wants rainbows, and nobody wants pain, but you can’t have a rainbow without a little rain.”-Zen Ziglar
It takes a certain degree of maturity, wisdom, and awareness to know when a painful experience is meant to test our ability to elevate in life.
As difficult as it is to believe, undergoing the feelings associated with our challenges are what help us to cultivate a life we love, and not just tolerate.
Feel the feeling but fight hard not to become the feeling.
"Embrace life's challenges" because without knowing what we don’t want, need, or like, we cannot know what things we do like.
We simply cannot grow past our reoccurring pain points until we consciously decide, plan out, and take actions beyond that experience.
When we choose to respond to our own deficiencies, confusions, or inexperience’s, we commit to replacing old limiting beliefs with new beliefs, new wisdom, and knowledge. Many of the answers we seek can be found in books, in community groups, through family, or friends.
Rarely do we travel paths that have yet to be paved by those before us.
Oftentimes, our inadequacies become suppressed due to shame, discomfort, or fear. We breathe new life through being vulnerable because our emotions cannot hold power over us when they are exposed and empathy is received.
Empathy is connecting with people so we know we’re not alone when we’re in struggle; this makes life easier & more manageable.
Be bold in the face of adversity, and hold true to the beautiful, amazing, and wonderful being you truly are.