If you have ever run a race, or a marathon, then I am almost positive that you have heard the words, “second wind” in your lifetime. This phrase equates to newfound strength, or energy that is needed to continue something that requires effort. Until you’ve vowed to stay the course of such an event, can you truly experience the feeling in which a “second wind” gives off. The shift in mentality that happens within those seconds of transition, almost relinquishes a belief of being unstoppable. The connection between you and the open road can deem both liberating, and peaceful.
How might you activate your second wind during everyday life-type circumstances?
When life throws you lemons, and requires a bit of extra endurance, a few habits to practices are:
Maintain a Steady Rhythm
Practice Consistency
Breathe Deeply
Visualize the Finish Line
Always remember, possibility starts in the mind. Choose to live unstoppably on purpose.